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Target Letter

What is a Target Letter?

Definition and Purpose

A target letter is an official notification sent to an individual informing them that they are the subject or target of a grand jury investigation. The letter is issued by a prosecutor and outlines the charges or allegations being investigated. The purpose of a target letter is to provide the individual with notice of the potential charges and to give them an opportunity to seek legal representation.

Legal Implications

Receiving a target letter can have significant legal implications. It indicates that the prosecutor has gathered enough evidence to believe that the individual has committed a crime. The individual may be required to appear before the grand jury to answer questions and provide testimony. They also have the right to challenge the charges and request a preliminary hearing.

Responding to a Target Letter

If you receive a target letter, it is important to take the matter seriously and seek legal advice promptly. An experienced attorney can help you understand your rights, review the evidence against you, and develop a strategy to address the charges. It is crucial to respond to the target letter within the specified timeframe to protect your interests.


A target letter is a significant development in a grand jury investigation. It is a formal notification that the prosecutor believes you have committed a crime. By receiving a target letter, you are entitled to certain rights, including the right to legal representation and the opportunity to challenge the charges. It is essential to respond to the letter promptly and seek guidance from an attorney to navigate the legal process effectively.
