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Target Letter Doj

Target Letters: A Guide

What is a Target Letter?

A target letter is an official document issued by the Justice Department to inform an individual that they are being investigated for potential criminal charges. It is not an accusation of guilt, but rather a way to notify the individual that they are a target of an investigation.

Purpose of a Target Letter

The purpose of a target letter is to provide the individual with notice of their status as a target of an investigation. This notice allows the individual to exercise their rights, such as the right to an attorney and the right to remain silent.

Format of a Target Letter

Target letters generally follow a similar format. They typically include the following information: * The name of the individual being investigated * The date of the letter * The name of the investigating agency * A brief description of the investigation * A statement that the individual is a target of the investigation

Receiving a Target Letter

If you receive a target letter, it is important to take it seriously. You should contact an attorney immediately to discuss your rights and options. An attorney can help you understand the investigation and protect your interests.


Target letters are an important part of the criminal justice process. They provide individuals with notice of their status as a target of an investigation and allow them to exercise their rights. If you receive a target letter, it is important to contact an attorney immediately to discuss your rights and options.
