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Newark Delaware Population

Newark Population Declines at a Rate of -0.24% Annually

Population Estimates from April 2020 to July 2023

According to the latest population estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of Newark, Delaware has decreased by -0.97% since April 2020. The city's population is currently estimated to be 30,305, and it is declining at an annual rate of -0.24%. This decline is in line with the broader trend of population loss in Delaware, which has been experiencing a net loss of residents to other states in recent years.

Population Density and Land Area

The population density of Newark is 2,202.7 people per square mile, which is higher than the average population density of Delaware. The city's total land area is 13.8 square miles.

Age, Race, and Income

According to the 2020 Census, the median age of residents in Newark is 35.5 years old. The city is predominantly white, with African Americans and Hispanics making up the largest minority populations. The median household income in Newark is $78,560, which is higher than the median household income for Delaware.

Impact of Population Decline

The population decline in Newark is likely due to a number of factors, including the rising cost of living, the loss of manufacturing jobs, and the aging population. The decline in population has a number of negative consequences for the city, including a decrease in tax revenue, a decline in property values, and a loss of jobs.

Addressing the Population Decline

The city of Newark is working to address the population decline through a number of initiatives, including the development of affordable housing, the attraction of new businesses, and the promotion of job growth. The city is also working to improve the quality of life for its residents by investing in infrastructure, parks, and recreation.
